Working with Fabien Madeleine of Malefic Tattoos
Many people would logically say the artwork is the deciding factor, and as an artist I agree and believe this is extremely important, but I think that TRUST is equally important. If you don't trust your artist and have confidence that you're both on the same page, your expectations and vision for the resulting artwork will not come together.
Establishing trust with your artist requires a clear understanding of the tattoo style, expectations of the design, and communication of the process phases.
Once trust has been established, you can turn your focus to the concept of the tattoo itself.
Design Elements at the Core of Professionally Executed Custom Tattoo Artwork
1. Match tattoo style with artist
The tattoo style category of your design must be matched with an artist who understands the intricacies and nuance of that style and its inclusive elements.
Tattoo styles have distinct characteristics and techniques that define the overall presentation of the artwork. Every artist has specialties. If you have a specific style or requirement, this should be your starting point for selection.
Fabien's Style Experience
Fabien has an incredibly varied book of tattoo style experience. He can confidently speak to the representative characteristics, elements, process and technique of each style.
​2. Placement & Arrangement
Tattoo placement is also very important. Beautiful artistry can be ruined by a misplaced or awkwardly positioned design. It's the job of a professional tattoo artist to advise and guide for the best possible rendering. It's important you have someone who will explain limitations and the reason(s) why.
If a tattoo artist says YES to everything and provides little guidance or feedback about the design you're describing, proceed with caution. Seasoned artists will engage in consultation about your expectations, and what you NEED to consider to get the optimal presentation of the artwork.
Fabien's Positional Framing
Laying out the tattoo for optimal presentation is a distinct aspect of design. If insufficiently evaluated, this can lead to a regretful tattoo. How good a tattoo will look on a person is directly related to how it is framed, fitted and positioned on the body. Fabien is relentless with his attention to this fundamental of tattoo presentation.
​3. Focus & Framework
Every tattoo tells a story and every story has focal points. When your artist understands the purpose of your tattoo elements, these can be highlighted through design techniques that visually communicate importance. Tattoos are like all artistic designs in that they are meant to purposefully draw the viewer's eyes to a main focal point and then work outwardly to the supportive elements. This can be an overlooked characteristic of tattoo design. The focal point(s) of a custom tattoo is worked on as the first and last element of the design.
Fabien's Elemental Design Technique
Fabien carefully arranges the individual elements of a design to purposefully draw the attention with strategic intent. With masterful use of shadows, layers, detailed line work and structural arrangement, the optimal presentation can be achieved.
4. Ink & Skin Tone
The varied shades of human skin tone and pigmentation must be carefully considered to ensure flawless rendering. Certain skin tones present limitations for vibrancy and the readability of the tattoo. It's crucial to address this in the planning stage so the final tattoo can deliver and exceed expectations.
A seasoned tattoo artist should be experienced in colour presentation and the essential techniques needed for optimal appearance.
Fabien's Skin Tone Match & Colour Optics
Fabien's experience working with the different skin tones of countless clients has trained his eye to identify and plan for design challenges related to pigmentation. He pays careful attention to your individual needs, including your design expectations and how the colour, tone, mix and application, will work for you.